About WebTools-NG

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WebTools-NG is a standalone program for desktop PC's and Laptops running Windows, Linux or Mac.

There are many functions and features of WebTools-NG, that will help keep your media organised and your Plex Media Server running efficiently, allowing you to enjoy all that your media has to offer.

All you need is a working Plex Media Server and a PC/Laptop that is connected to the Internet, allowing WebTools-NG to connect to your server/s via https://plex.tv.

WebTools-NG does NOT require a browser or a Docker container to operate, it is fully self contained and will run in the operating system of your choice.

WebTools-NG will operate from any location in the world, however, some of the tool modules may require that you be local to your Plex Media Server media storage device in order to function correctly.

The WebTools-NG .appimage package should NOT be installed on a Linux based NAS. The .appimage package is NOT designed for that purpose.

WebTools-NG contains several handy tool modules that will assist you in maintaining a Plex Media Server and your media.

The Tool modules that are currently available in WebTools-NG include the following:

Download icon Download

The Download module allows you to download media from any server that is shared with you, without transcoding the file/s at all.

The server owner MUST grant you download rights and you will need to have an active Plex Pass in order to use this module.

ExportTools icon ExportTools

ExportTools allows you to output a .csv and/or .xlsx file that contains a full list of your selected Plex library contents.

This is handy for diagnosing problems with your Plex libraries or if you simply want to see what information Plex holds about your media.

It may show missing files, mis-identified files or any number of other data that may be useful in checking the health of your Plex libraries and their media.

Plex icon Plex Media Server

The Plex Media Server module is a landing page for several sub-modules including:

Butler Scheduled Tasks
Find Media
Server Settings (advanced users only!)
View State Copy

You may select the sub-module you wish to use from the menu on the left of the WebTools-NG window, below the Plex Media Server menu item.

Plex-tv icon Plex.TV

The Plex.TV module allows you to discover some details about the people you share your server/s with.

Note: Before you can use WebTools-NG you need to sign in. A Sign in with plex.tv dialogue will open and you may enter your Plex username, password and 2FA code (If you enabled 2FA in Plex). For security reasons, the password and 2FA code will NOT be saved.

Also note, that we currently ONLY support authorisation using your plex.tv credentials, and NOT using a Google or Facebook login.

The username will be saved if you enable the Save Username checkbox, but you will need to enter the password and 2FA code each time you open WebTools-NG.

We apologise for this minor inconvenience, but in this day and age we found it necessary to implement things this way to keep you and your Plex Media Server safe.

You may also use your Plex token to login without needing to enter a username, password or 2FA code. Details may be found on the Installing WebTools-NG page where you will also find details of logging in from the commandline.

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