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If you are creating a Github Issue Report or you want to troubleshoot some problem with WebTools-NG, logs are the way to go and they are mandatory, where appropriate, if you are creating a Github Issue Report.

To get decent logs, you need to reconfigure WebTools-NG, so after launch, go to Global Settings > General Settings and do the following:

- Set Log level to use (Change only if asked by the devs) to verbose as a minimum, you may be asked to set this to debug or silly
- Set Size of logfile, before rollover to at least 4Mb
- Restart WebTools-NG
- Reproduce the issue
- Go to the top menu and select File > Open Log Directory select all of the log files and add them to a zip archive file
- upload the zip archive to your Github Issue Report, Forum Thread or wherever you raised the issue.

Note: Remember to switch the Log level to use (Change only if asked by the devs) level back to info, since higher levels may have an impact on performance.

To report any issues with this website or the wiki, please add a Website Issue Report, thanks.

WebTools-NG icon  WebTools-NG logs & system files

For Windows, go to the File Menu > Open Log Directory. This will open C:\Users\**Your User Name**\AppData\Roaming\WebTools-NG\logs.
Go back/up one folder to C:\Users\**Your User Name**\AppData\Roaming\WebTools-NG\ to view all of the WebTools-NG system files.

For Mac, the logs are located at ~Library/Logs/WebTools-NG/. The system files are located at ~Library/Application Support/WebTools-NG/.

For Ubuntu Linux, the logs are located at home/.config/WebTools-NG/logs. The system files are located at home/.config/WebTools-NG/.
The locations will be similar in other Linux distributions.

Download icon  Download

Make sure you have selected a server to work with. Most operations will fail if you have not selected a server.

Select a server

After entering the Download module page, you may be faced with a progress bar that stops advancing with an endless spinning arrow. When faced with this situation, sometimes it is advantageous to click on another module link in the menu and then return to the Download module.

You may also try adjusting the Timeout when downloading setting on the Download Settings page.

Last but least, close WebTools-NG and then reopen the program. Fingers crossed, the transfer will proceed as expected.

If any of the methods above fail, then you should check your network connection. Always try rebooting the modem/router and all devices connected to it, including any wireless connections, first.

You should also exercise some patience, as this may only be a temporary situation.

Microsoft Excel icon  Microsoft Excel

If importing a .csv file into Microsoft Excel and you find blank/missing fields or the text formatting is messed up, open the .csv file using a plain text editor and confirm the data is actually missing before submitting a Github Issue report, thanks. We highly recommend you use Libre Office instead, it is free.

Note: The .csv file does NOT contain any text formatting. The Text formatting is applied by Microsoft Excel, in this case.

See the Help page for details on importing a .csv file into Microsoft Excel.
See the Help page for details on setting the Default Column Separator for Microsoft Excel in Windows 10.

Beta icon  Beta Testing

If you have the time, please consider signing up for Beta Testing.

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