Known Issues

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Here we list all known issues with WebTools-NG.

WebTools-NG icon  General

Internet Connection
An active Internet Connection is required in order for WebTools-NG to communicate with your Plex Media Server/s via Your Plex Media Server does NOT need to be configured for Remote Access at all, but an active Internet connection is required and your Plex Media Server needs to be online and properly authenticated with

Switch Language
When switching language, the top menu is not updated to the new language until after a restart of WebTools-NG. See GitHub Issue #32.

Column Separator
ExportTools Settings. If any character is used as a column separator and that character is contained within the Plex description for a Movie or TV Show, it may cause the ExportTools output file to become scrambled. We recommend that you only use the | Pipe character as the separator. See GitHub Issue #183.

Automatic Login
When logging in automatically by using your Plex Token, especially when using a script/batch file, the login may fail due to a change in your Plex token. Plex will change the Plex Token under some circumstances and that may render your old token unusable. Please check that your Plex Token is up to date before creating an Issue report, thanks.

ExportTools icon  Download

Stalled progress
After entering the Download module page, you may be faced with a stalled progress bar and an endless spinning circle. See the Troubleshooting page for some tips on resolving this issue. You should also exercise some patience, as this may only be a temporary situation.

ExportTools icon  ExportTools

Exporting to .xlsx
When exporting to XLSX, and the library is very large, there's a possibility that it may never finish. This is due to the way we currently handle XLSX, where everything is held in memory. See: GitHub Issue #331.

Note: Exporting to a CSV file is fine, so if exporting very large libraries, use only CSV for now
Note: Exporting as XLSX is currently disabled

Outputting the Sort Title
If you choose to output the Sort Title field, then be aware it may not be populated because Plex tend to generate this field on the fly in Plex/Web and it may not be captured by ExportTools.

Outputting your Library definitions
If you select Library in the Select Export Type menu, then you may only select Libraries in the Select Sub Type menu.
There will be no selections available in the Select Media Library or Export Level menus. The Library selection will output the definitions of your Libraries and NOT their contents.

Outputting Posters and/or Art
If you choose to output Art and/or Posters, make sure you select at least the Title field to export as well. Also, in ExportTools Settings make sure you enter the width and height separated by an asterix * like so: 400*600.

When exporting Art and/or Posters, do note that the art and/or posters may not be in the specified resolution. This may be due to the way Plex exports the images. The resolution may depend on the image resolution of the images that your Plex Media Server has stored and the image resolution you have specified in the settings.

When adding Export Art, Export Posters, Export Show Art, Export Season Posters or Export Show Posters to a Custom Level, these items will always be sorted to the bottom of the list. You may sort any of the fields above these items, but not below them. The field order will resort to these items being at the bottom of the list upon saving the Custom Level. Thanks go to kiwichick888 for reminding us of this :)

v0.3.16 of WebTools-NG & ExportTools > Settings

There was a bug with the ExportTools > Settings page where upon entering the page you are unable to make changes to the settings. A workaround is to open Help > About WebTools-NG, close the dialogue and then proceed to make changes to the settings. An alternative method is to click outside of the WebTools-NG window, to deselect the window and then click on the window again and continue as normal.

Note: The settings select bug has been identified and corrected in v0.3.17. You may find the latest version here: Latest Releases

Finding Missing TV Show Episodes
If you select a TV Show library, then that library must be using the new Plex TV Series agents.
If the library was converted to use the new Plex TV Series agents, then you MUST Refresh Metadata for the entire library.
Please check the above and make sure your TV Show library complies with these restrictions before creating a Github issue, thanks.

If you encounter something like this in your .csv/.xlsx file:

7455 | Wonders of Life | TVDB Airing | **** ERROR **** | N/A | 5 | 1 | N/A | N/A | N/A | Guid problem found, please refresh metadata, or sort order not avail at cloud provider

Then the issue may be that the show contains more than one database GUID.
You may try re-matching the series in Plex or you may Plex Dance the series. You may also Edit TV Show > Advanced > Episode Ordering and set it to either the TMDB or TVDB, as required.

Note: You should always make sure your TV Show files and folders are named correctly.
Note: Not all issues can be corrected due to the many other possible issues with your TV series.

Linux icon  Linux OS

No Icon for Linux
This is sadly an Electron issue, and out of our hands

Appimage files wont run
In Ubuntu 22.04 or greater, you must install libfuse2 using this command in Terminal: sudo apt install libfuse2, before you are able to run .appimage files. See this page for more details: It's Foss

Apple icon  Mac OS

Mac warning when running WebTools-NG
There's a warning, when opening the .dmg file on a Mac, stating it is untrusted
This is due to the fact, that the WebTools-NG application is not signed. We sadly, do not have the money to pay an annual fee to Apple just to satisfy this requirement in MacOS.

To work around it, please see Open a Mac app from an unidentified developer

Docker icon  Docker

Using a Docker Container for Plex Media Server
If you are using a Docker container for Plex Media Server and you access your Plex Media Server from a different IP Address to that of the Docker container, then you should enter the Plex Media Server URL into the Plex > Settings > Network > Custom server access URLs box like so:

Custom server access dialogue

This will allow WebTools-NG to access your server from the specified URL instead of the Docker container URL which usually begins with 172.x.x.x

Thanks go to Droppisalt for highlighting this issue.

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