Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

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What is WebTools-NG?
See the About page for more details

Why do I need to sign-in to
You need to sign-in so we can gather a list of the servers you own from

Why can't I use Google or other authentication to sign-in?
We made it work with authentication, but need help with the rest

Where are my local settings stored?
In WebTools-NG, you'll find a top menu that allows you to open the log directory
Go one directory up from there to find all of the relevant files

Do you log anything from me?
No, all logs are kept on your PC/Laptop, so it's your call to post logs if asked for them

Is this safe?
We hope/think so, since everything is done using Plex authentication

I can only select my own servers?
This is by design, since WebTools-NG is an admin tool for the Plex Media Server Owner, however, you may now select a server that has been shared with you from the Server selector drop down menu in the Download module

ExportTools icon  ExportTools

Why is a CSV file generated, when I selected to export to xlsx?
The CSV file is used to generate the xlsx file, and as such, it is necessary

ExportTools module is missing a field
If so, then please create a Github Issue, and upload the Media Info XML file to your issue report

Commandline execution (Automation)

Currently, this is not supported. See GitHub Issue #370 for any progress regarding Automation

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