View Menu

Main Menu

The View Menu contains a number of options to control the WebTools-NG window display size and allow you to refresh/reload the window.

View Menu

This option will reload the current page displayed in WebTools-NG.

Force Reload
This option will force the reloading of the current page in WebTools-NG.

Actual Size
This option will return the WebTools-NG page to the default size and level of zoom.

Zoom In
This option will zoom in and make the page and fonts larger within the WebTools-NG window.

Zoom Out
This option will zoom out and make the page and fonts smaller within the WebTools-NG window.

Toggle Full Screen
This option will expand the window to fill your entire screen. Tap the keyboard shortcut key (F11) again to restore the WebTools-NG window to it's previous dimensions.

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