All Built-in Levels for Media

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You may use these built-in levels to export your media data.

The following tables show the Media Type, the Level number followed by the included levels for each built-in level and media type. The built-in level All includes all possible levels for that media type.

Audio Albums Audio Artists Audio Tracks Movies TV Shows TV Episodes
Level 1 Level 1 Level 1 Level 1 Level 1 Level 1
Artist Key Added Content Rating Key Content Rating
Key Sort title Duration Key Summary Episode
Title Summary Key Rating Title Key
Summary Title Summary Sort title Rating
Studio Title Studio Season
Summary Series Title
Title Sort title
Year Summary
User Rating
Audio Albums Audio Artists Audio Tracks Movies TV Shows TV Episodes
Level 2 Level 2 Level 2 Level 2 Level 2 Level 2
Artist Added Added All of Level 1 + Audience Rating All of Level 1 +
Key Genre Duration Audience Rating Content Rating Added
Rating Key Key Content Rating Key Deleted
Release Date Poster url Part File Country Studio Duration
Studio Sort title Part File Combined Directors Summary Poster url
Summary Summary Part File Path Duration Title Release Date
Title Title Summary Last Viewed at Year Updated
Year Updated Title Release Date Writers
User Rating
View Count
All available fields All available fields All available fields All available fields All available fields All available fields
Suggested Naming Find Missing Episodes

Suggested Naming = This is a special level that will output a list of suggested naming for your Movies.
Find Missing Episodes = This is a special level used to Find Missing Episodes in your TV Show library.
Deleted = When an item is deleted, but Empty Trash has not yet completed.

All Built-in Levels for Playlists

You may use these built-in levels to export your playlist data.

Playlists Audio Playlists Photo Playlists Video - Playlist Info Library Info
Level 1 Level 1 Level 1 - Level All Level All
Added Added Added - Added Agent
Album Year Key Key - Item Counts Allow Sync
Audio Track Artist Release Date Last Viewed at - Key Art url
Duration Title Original Title - Last Viewed at Content
Key Updated Release Date - Playlist Type Content Changed At
Last Viewed at Year Summary - Smart Created At
Title Title - Sort title Directory
Playlists Audio Playlists Photo Playlists Video - Summary Hidden
Level 2 Level 2 Level 2 - Title Language
Added Added Added - Type Library Key
Album Title Key Country - Updated Library Poster
Album Year Media Container Duration - View Count Location
Audio Track Artist Media Height Key - Poster url
Duration Media Width Last Viewed at - Refreshing
Key Release Date Original Title - Scanned At
Last Viewed at Title Release Date - Scanner
Part File Updated Summary - Title
Part File Combined Year Tagline - Type
Part File Path Title - Updated
Title Year -
All available fields All available fields All available fields - Note: Note:

Note: = This export can not be customized
