Undefined Settings List

Server Settings List

For more information regarding these settings, please visit the Plex Advanced/Hidden server settings page or ask on the Plex Forums if you wish to know more about these Advanced/Hidden settings.

Settings Group: undefined

Name Label Summary Type Default Value
CrashUploadRetries bool false false
MachineIdentifier A unique identifier for the machine text
AllowHighOutputBitrates bool true true
AcceptedEULA Has the user accepted the EULA bool false true
LanguageInCloud Use language preferences from plex.tv bool false true
ArticleStrings Comma-separated list of strings considered articles when sorting titles. A server restart is required for a change to take effect. text the,das,der,a,an,el,la the,das,der,a,an,el,la
TranscoderVideoResolutionLimit Maximum video output resolution for the transcoder text 0x0 0x0
TranscoderPhotoFileSizeLimitMiB int 100 100
PublishServerOnPlexOnlineKey Publish server on Plex Online Publishing a server makes it automatically available on your client devices without any configuration of your router. bool false true
PlexOnlineMail text
PlexOnlineUrl text https://plex.tv https://plex.tv
PlexWebDesktopUrl text https://app.plex.tv/desktop https://app.plex.tv/desktop
PlexWebAuthUrl text https://app.plex.tv/auth https://app.plex.tv/auth
EnablePinAuth bool false false
ManualPortMappingMode bool false false
ManualPortMappingPort int 32400 49202
LastAutomaticMappedPort int 0 13264
SyncMyPlexLoginGCDeferral int 14400 14400
SyncPagingItemsLimit int 100 100
BackgroundQueueIdlePaused bool false false
WanPerStreamMaxUploadRate Limit remote stream bitrate Set the maximum bitrate of a remote stream from this server. int 0 0
WanTotalMaxUploadRate External network total upload limit (kbps) Speed at which to limit the total bandwidth not on the local network in kilobits per second. Use 0 to set no limit. int 0 320000
forceAutoAdjustQuality bool false false
EnableABRDebugOverlay bool false false
ABRKeepOldTranscodes bool false false
ForceABRDisabled bool false false
LogTokensForDebug Allow Plex Media Server tokens in logs Media server tokens can be used to gain access to library content. Don't share logs containing tokens publicly. A server restart is required for a change to take effect. bool false false
LogMemoryUse Add Plex Media Server and System memory use for Debug Logging Logging of the Plex Media Server memory use and the system total used memory in Plex Media Server logs. A server restart is required for the change to take effect. bool false false
LogSynchronous bool false false
GenerateIndexFilesDuringAnalysis bool false false
ButlerTaskGenerateMediaIndexFiles bool false false
GenerateBIFKeyframesOnly bool true false
LongRunningJobThreads int 0 0
LoudnessAnalysisThreads int 0 0
LoudnessReplayGainStyle bool false false
RadioTopTracksPerAlbum int 3 3
RadioDaysSinceLastPlayed int 2 2
RadioDirectoryThreshold int 15 15
RadioDirectoryLimit int 50 50
CertificateVersion int 2 3
CertificateUUID text
enableLocalSecurity bool false false
EyeQUser text
DvrShowUnsupportedDevices bool false false
DvrComskipRemoveIntermediates bool true true
DvrComskipKeepOriginal bool false false
SubtitlesPersistIfAdmin bool false false
DvrIncrementalEpgLoader bool false false
EpgUseSelectedProvider text
MetadataUseDevProvider bool false false
SyncMPRootDirectoryOverride text
MediaServerManagerAllowHttp bool false false
MergedRecentlyAdded bool false false
EnableDatabaseTrace bool false false
LogNumFiles Amount of log files Amount of log files to keep before rolling over. Server must be restarted for changes to take effect int 5
