Network Settings List

Server Settings List

For more information regarding these settings, please visit the Plex Advanced/Hidden server settings page or ask on the Plex Forums if you wish to know more about these Advanced/Hidden settings.

Settings Group: network

Name Label Summary Type Default Value
ConfigurationUrl Web Manager URL text
EnableIPv6 Enable server support for IPv6 bool true false
secureConnections Secure connections When set to "Required", some unencrypted connections (originating from the Media Server computer) will still be allowed and apps that don't support secure connections will not be able to connect at all. int 1 1
customCertificatePath Custom certificate location Path to a PKCS #12 file containing a certificate and private key to enable TLS support on a custom domain. text
customCertificateKey Custom certificate encryption key text
customCertificateDomain Custom certificate domain Domain name to be published to using your mapped port; must match a name from the custom certificate file. text
PreferredNetworkInterface Preferred network interface The network interface local clients will use to connect. text bond0
DisableTLSv1_0 Strict TLS configuration Disables legacy weak ciphers, increases DH group size, and switches to ECDSA certificates when renewing. May prevent older clients from connecting. bool false false
allowedHttpOrigins text
GdmEnabled Enable local network discovery (GDM) This enables the media server to discover other servers and players on the local network. bool true true
WanPerUserStreamCount Remote streams allowed per user Maximum number of simultaneous streams each user is allowed when not on the local network. int 0 0
LanNetworksBandwidth LAN Networks Comma separated list of IP addresses or IP/netmask entries for networks that will be considered to be on the local network when enforcing bandwidth restrictions. If set, all other IP addresses will be considered to be on the external network and will be subject to external network bandwidth restrictions. If left blank, only the server's subnet is considered to be on the local network. text
MinutesAllowedPaused Terminate Sessions Paused for Longer Than Value is in minutes. Terminate any sessions which have been paused for a longer time than specified amount of time. Audio-only sessions and live sessions are excluded int 0 0
TreatWanIpAsLocal Treat WAN IP As LAN Bandwidth Treat incoming requests from this network's WAN IP address as LAN requests in terms of bandwidth. This often occurs when DNS rebinding protection is in place and clients on the LAN cannot contact the server directly but instead have to go through the WAN IP address. bool true false
RelayEnabled Enable Relay The Relay allows connections to the server through a proxy relay when the server is not accessible otherwise. Note: this proxy relay is bandwidth limited bool true false
customConnections Custom server access URLs A comma-separated list of URLs (http or https) which are published up to for server discovery. text
allowedNetworks List of IP addresses and networks that are allowed without auth Comma separated list of IP addresses or IP/netmask entries for networks that are allowed to access Plex Media Server without logging in. When the server is signed out and this value is set, only localhost and addresses on this list will be allowed. text
WebHooksEnabled Webhooks Allow this server to send events to external services. bool true false
