Library Settings List

Server Settings List

For more information regarding these settings, please visit the Plex Advanced/Hidden server settings page or ask on the Plex Forums if you wish to know more about these Advanced/Hidden settings.

Settings Group: library

Name Label Summary Type Default Value
FSEventLibraryUpdatesEnabled Scan my library automatically Your library will be updated automatically when changes to library folders are detected. bool false true
FSEventLibraryPartialScanEnabled Run a partial scan when changes are detected When changes to library folders are detected, only scan the folder that changed. bool false false
watchMusicSections Include music libraries in automatic updates Linux systems limit the maximum number of watched directories; this may cause problems with large music libraries. bool false true
ScheduledLibraryUpdatesEnabled Scan my library periodically bool false false
ScheduledLibraryUpdateInterval Library scan interval int 3600 3600
autoEmptyTrash Empty trash automatically after every scan bool true true
allowMediaDeletion Allow media deletion The owner of the server will be allowed to delete media files from disk. bool true false
allowMediaDeletionLanOnly bool false false
OnDeckWindow Weeks to consider for Continue Watching Media that has not been watched in this many weeks will not appear in Continue Watching. int 16 16
OnDeckLimit Maximum number of Continue Watching items which will appear. Limits the number of shows which will appear Continue Watching. Setting it too high can affect performance. int 40 40
OnDeckIncludePremieres Include season premieres in Continue Watching New season premieres will always appear no matter how many weeks have passed since watching. bool true false
SmartShuffleMusic Enable smart shuffling on artists and smart music playlists Smart shuffling prefers highly rated, popular and less recently heard tracks. bool true true
MusicSeparateAlbumTypes Group albums by type Group into LPs, EPs & Singles, Compilations, Live Albums, Demos and Remixes. text enabled disabled
LibraryDefaultVisibility int 0 0
ScannerLowPriority Run scanner tasks at a lower priority bool false false
GenerateBIFBehavior Generate video preview thumbnails Video preview thumbnails provide live updates in Now Playing and while seeking on supported apps. Thumbnail generation may take a long time, cause high CPU usage, and consume additional disk space. You can turn off thumbnail generation for individual libraries in the library's advanced settings. text never never
GenerateBIFFrameInterval Video preview thumbnail frame duration The time (in seconds) between each video preview frame. int 2 2
GenerateIntroMarkerBehavior Generate intro video markers Detects show intros, exposing the 'Skip Intro' button in clients. text asap never
GenerateChapterThumbBehavior Generate chapter thumbnails Chapter thumbnails provide images in the chapter view on supported apps. They can take a long time to generate and consume additional disk space. text scheduled never
LoudnessAnalysisBehavior Analyze audio tracks for loudness Loudness analysis allows various features, such as loudness leveling and smart transitions. It can take a long time to complete when analyzing many tracks, and cause high CPU usage. text scheduled asap
MusicAnalysisBehavior Analyze audio tracks for sonic features Sonic analysis allows various features, such as track radio. It can take a long time to complete when analyzing many tracks, and cause high CPU usage. text scheduled never
LocationVisibility Location visibility Server owners may wish to restrict who can see location names for items which contain geolocation metadata. By default only the server owner will have visibility of these. int 1 1
