General Settings List

Server Settings List

For more information regarding these settings, please visit the Plex Advanced/Hidden server settings page or ask on the Plex Forums if you wish to know more about these Advanced/Hidden settings.

Settings Group: general

Name Label Summary Type Default Value
FriendlyName Friendly name This name will be used to identify this media server to other computers on your network. If you leave it blank, your computer's name will be used instead. text
sendCrashReports Send crash reports to Plex This helps us improve your experience. bool true true
PushNotificationsEnabled Push Notifications Allow this server to send push notifications to mobile devices. Note: Push notifications are delivered using Plex services. They're associated with your account, and some of them may contain information about the contents of your library. bool false false
logDebug Enable Plex Media Server debug logging Debug logging enables additional detail in the log files and is helpful in diagnosing problems. bool true true
LogVerbose Enable Plex Media Server verbose logging Verbose logging is only useful to debug specific issues and should only be enabled if requested by support staff. bool false false
MinimumProgressTime int 60000 60000
ButlerUpdateChannel Server update Channel text 16 8
