Channels Settings List

Server Settings List

For more information regarding these settings, please visit the Plex Advanced/Hidden server settings page or ask on the Plex Forums if you wish to know more about these Advanced/Hidden settings.

Settings Group: channels

Name Label Summary Type Default Value
iTunesSharingEnabled Enable iTunes plugin A server restart is required for a change to take effect. bool false true
iTunesLibraryXmlPath iTunes library XML path text /volume1/iTunes/iTunes Music Library.xml
disableCapabilityChecking Disable capability checking Capability checking ensures that plug-ins that are incompatible with this version of the server or the current client application you are using are hidden. Disabling capability checking is useful during development, but will enable access to plug-ins that may perform unreliably with certain client applications. bool false true
PluginsLaunchTimeout Number of seconds to wait before a plugin times out int 180 180
